You Have to See How Google Autofills Classic Career Questions
Three things we learned this week about Google, the “most loved” brand among the Millennial generation.
1. CEO Eric Schmidt received $106 million in bonuses in 2013. Maybe that’s because the company’s sales reached $16.9 billion in the fourth quarter of last year ALONE.
2. You can now add Google Glass hardware to actual prescription eyeglass frames.
3. When you type common career question in a Google search, you get really depressing results. Like this one:
Apparently, millions of people are crying out and turning to good ol’ Google to solve their problems.
That got me thinking: what other career issues have people typed into Google? I did a search, and here’s what I found.
Yes, job interviews are “stressful.” They are intense moments when we must be at our best. Nothing we can do about the nerves.
As for the “fake” part, ask these four questions at your next interview. They’ll make the conversation natural and normal — and win you huge points.
Why are cover letters “so hard to write”? Because you’re trying come across like the greatest person who ever existed. Forget that. Just tell one memorable story that proves you have the “right” experience. Here’s how to do it.
Well, THAT question didn’t really work. Unless you work for BP, not sure why your company would be “oily.”
Oh, well. Moving on!
Why is living at home a “stigma?” Because Millennials are staying with mom and dad longer and longer. Check out this article on Bloomberg: Going on 30, Living With Mom and Dad.
That is a deep one. Do you take the job that pays the most? Or the one you’re most passionate about?
Google has it right: “What job is for me?” A question no one can answer but you.
Umm…I’ll just take a crack at the first one. Not qualified on #2.
Sorry to say, but our 20s are supposed to be hard. That’s how we hit these 15 milestones on our way to 30. If you want to jumpstart your career and make life easier, the smartest way is by starting a blog.
Why are we “entitled” and “selfish”? Not sure. The way we were raised? How we act? A combination of the two? Probably.
All I know is lots of people think we’re spoiled. So don’t play into their expectations. Rise above them.
Either a tough boss will make you stronger in the long run. Or you’ll just look back and laugh at how ridiculous it was. In any event, you won’t come away empty handed!
Why is confidence “important” and “attractive”? Because it makes people take you seriously.
Among the 24 Things You Need to Realize About the Real World is #2: A flimsy handshake and poor eye contact make you look weak and unsure of yourself.
And finally, we end at the beginning:
From time to time, your job will always contain these four negative qualities. It will also be fun, exciting, thrilling and unforgettable.
I’m sure your career will also, on occasion, be confusing. Good thing there’s a quick way to find a solution.
Just google it.
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