Tag: business email templates

  • Sneak Peak at Danny’s New Book!

    Sneak Peak at Danny’s New Book!


    All year, I’ve been hustling to promote my first paperback book, Wait, How Do I Write This Email?, a collection of 100+ templates for networking, the job search and LinkedIn.

    At the same time (when I could steal minutes in the day), I’ve been writing book #2, a complement to the first called Wait, How Do I Promote My Business?. It’s slated to be published in May 2017 by…me. That’s right. Another book through my own LLC and publishing company, News To Live By. Independent authors and publishers unite!

    My first book is a writing guide to network/land jobs. The second one is full of writing guides once you’re IN a job or running your own business — templates for website content, press releases, crowdfunding campaigns, outreach emails and more.

    Here’s an example of a section from the book:

    Website Content

    • Common pages
      • Mission statement
      • About us
      • Services
      • Q&As
      • Case studies
      • Staff bios
      • Photo captions
      • Calls to action
      • Meta and image descriptions

    Once again, I give you step-by-step instruction for common business writing scenarios (like a website mission statement and staff bios). And ironically, it’s much easier to write book #2 because I created a template with book #1. That’s the beauty of templates — do it once and you’re all set!

    I’ll have more information on the book throughout the fall/winter.

    The ultimate reference guide for business owners.