
The Submission Period Runs from February 3 – March 7, 2025

Below you will find the resources to participate in the America’s Next Great Intern contest from Rubin.

Important: Students do NOT register through the Teacher Registration Form. The students only need to follow the steps below.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Give your students the Instructional Guide to review.

Step 2: Students then rely on the Instructional Guide to complete the three contest categories.

Step 3: Each student must complete the waiver.

Step 4: Students turn in their work and signed waiver via the Submission Form. Deadline is March 7, 2025.

The Rubin team will announce national finalists on March 11, 2025.

Questions? Email support@rubineducation.com or call 1-800-975-5846.

Click for Student Submission Form

IMPORTANT: If you can’t open the Submission Form, use this Word version (available Feb 1, 2025). Send the completed Word version and the signed waiver to support@rubineducation.com with the subject line: Contest Submission Form for [Student First and Last Name]

Click for Contest Certificate

Just print and add your student’s name to the certificate!

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, January 7, 2025: Contest registration opens!
  • Monday, February 3, 2025: To coincide with National CTE Month in February, Rubin launches America’s Next Great Intern contest and opens for student submissions. Teachers can register their classes throughout the month of February.
  • Friday, March 7, 2025: The student submission period closes.
  • Tuesday, March 11, 2025: Rubin unveils national student finalists and starts the public voting process via RubinEducation.com.
  • Friday, April 4, 2025: The public voting period closes.
  • Wednesday, April 9, 2025: Rubin reveals America’s Next Great Intern.

Share the contest on social media with these ready-made posts!


For Facebook & LinkedIn: 

My class is excited to participate in the America’s Next Great Intern contest by Rubin (@RubinEducation for Facebook, @Rubin for LinkedIn). The contest is a great way to celebrate #CTEmonth and allow my students to showcase their employability skills.

Every student who participates in the contest will receive a certificate and e-portfolio of their submitted work.

Students with the top submissions will be awarded prizes for themselves AND their teachers!

Contest Submissions are accepted beginning February 3rd.

Register online: https://rubineducation.com/contest

#CTE #CTEWorks
#Rubin #RubinNews #RubinContest

For Twitter: 

I’m excited for my students to participate in the America’s Next Great Intern by @RubinEducation!

Give your students the chance to showcase their employability skills by registering online at rubineducation.com/contest


Different uses for the e-portfolio students create through the contest

  • A digital collection of your work
  • Organizes and displays accomplishments
  • Helps to track your growth overtime
  • Tells your story beyond just a resume and GPA (“show, don’t tell”)
  • Tool you can use for a lifetime outside of school
  • Provide to employers when searching for internships and job opportunities
  • Provide to colleges when applying to demonstrate your accomplishments


Add the America’s Next Great Intern contest to your resume

The information below is most appropriate in a resume area called Awards, Achievements, Miscellaneous or something similar.

Participant — 2025 America’s Next Great Intern contest by Rubin

In February 2025, I took part in a national competition hosted by Rubin, a curriculum provider for professional development, that challenged my ability to shake hands, speak on the phone, write emails, demonstrate resilience and conduct office research. Here’s a portfolio of the work I produced for the contest. You can use the link to the e-portfolio the Rubin team gave you at the conclusion of the contest.

Follow us for contest updates and announcements!

The free contest is open to middle school, high school and post-secondary students in any CTE or project-based (hands-on) class or program.

The Rubin team, in coordination with industry professionals and ACTE, will determine the national finalists after a review of all submissions.

The public will then vote on the finalists, and the students from grades 9th-12th and post-secondary programs with the highest vote total after the voting period will win 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Rubin will also announce an “Up and Coming” winner from grades 6th-8th.

The finalists and winners may be featured in press releases directed at the national CTE community and the general news media (ex: local newspapers, TV and radio).

All students who enter will receive a certificate of participation and a portfolio that displays the work they submitted for the contest!

The national finalists will each receive a certificate of achievement.

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from high school/post-secondary along with the overall middle school winner will receive:

  • Virtual job shadow with an executive from an in-demand field (ex: music producer for Jay-Z and Beyonce!)
  • National recognition throughout the CTE community and general news media
  • A banner for the school to display


The teacher/coordinator of the 1st place student from the high school/post-secondary level will receive a cash prize of $250 to be used for the classroom.

The judging panel will be Rubin team members and staff from ACTE’s national office. Judges will also include industry professionals who have hired and managed interns at their places of business.

When does the contest start?

The submission period begins February 1, 2024 and runs through March 1, 2024.

Does it cost money to participate?

NO! It’s 100% free to participate no matter how many of your students compete.

How do I register?

Teachers or administrators need to complete a short form (coming soon). Upon completion, you will receive an email with all submission materials.

How many of my students can participate?

You can have as many students participate as you would like. However, you may want to hold an internal competition first and send your top students to the national contest.

Do my students need to register?

No, students do not register. Students only need to complete the student submission form for the contest. In that way, we will have record of their submission.

What data will you collect from my students?

We will collect first/last name, grade level and email address. Students will submit a video of an elevator pitch as well as written submissions. Students or their parent/guardian are required to sign a waiver provided in the contest packet (teachers: registration link coming soon for the contest packet).

If your school needs Rubin to agree to additional data-sharing terms, please contact us at support@rubineducation.com.

Does our school or CTE program have to be a Rubin customer to participate?

No, any school or CTE program can participate in the contest. The Rubin team has taken activities (ex: How to do a handshake) from our popular Emerge curriculum and made the resources available for all students to complete.

What grade levels can participate in the contest?

Students in grades 6th-12th are eligible as well as students in a post-secondary CTE program.

Rubin is the leader in online training for employability and work readiness skills. The company provides three high-quality resources:

  • Propel: Revolutionary tool for Gmail/Outlook that teaches students how to write high-quality emails.
  • Emerge: K-12 business communications skills platform with 300+ instructional items for writing and speaking skills.
  • Aspire: Robust career exploration platform with 200+ interviews with professionals in health science, business, STEM and more.


Founded in 2017 by Danny Rubin, a former television news reporter and consultant to NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Rubin teaches students nationwide critical lessons for email/phone etiquette, networking, team communication, leadership communication and more. Our motto: “Write well, open doors!”

Can’t open the drop-downs above? Click here for full contest information.

Rubin resources trusted by educators across America

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